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Blog 2024-09-27


This week in class, we discussed finding a mentor and what steps to take when approaching them. This entails researching their background, setting clear goals for the mentorship, and being respectful of one's time. Also, we learned to make a professional and polite message while reaching out to them, being sure we make it clear why we think they are the best fit and what we want to get from the mentorship.

Mirror therapy is put into action for physical rehabilitation regarding illnesses like phantom limb pain, stroke-related motor dysfunction, and other neurological conditions. A mirror is placed in a way that it faces perpendicularly to the middle of the two limbs, creating the visual effect that an injured or missing limb is moving normally. This may help the brain reintegrate this form of visual feedback and could reduce pain while providing motor control. This is a non-invasive technique that holds promise for improvement in both physical and cognitive recovery.

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