with Detective Garside & Mr.Glenn
Investigation Day!!
Today was finally investigation day! We found out our crime scene was to either be named a murder or a suicide. Either way, until we knew what it was we treated it like a murder case.
When interviewed our suspect, Dave, replied with three phrases "I loved her", "I tried to help her", and lastly "I want an attorney". This started us off with thoughts "he definitely did it". After we left him sitting in there, bloody towel in hand, he ran off because we didn't make anyone supervise him.
When we progressed into the crime scene (the innovations lab) we saw his wife's dead body. She had a gunshot wound to the head (soft contact) but no defensive wounds on her body. The gun was laid away from her hands and body, which was abnormal, and the gun had a bloody fingerprint. After noticing all fingerprints on the computer, iPhone, and mug we also requested DNA testing.