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  • hdickinson46

Forensics Day 4 (3/30/23)

with Mr. Louis Walker (prosecuting attorney)

Today, our group was assigned to work with Mr.Walker as the prosecutor. While working in our group to find evidence and come up with evidence, Mr.Walker told us the main questions we should ask ourselves and the witnesses.

So far, this is what we have...

Prosecuting Exhibits

Call at 8:30 am

Opening statement: tell the jury what u expect the evidence will show


  • First responder (Keykey is the police)

  • Forensic examiner

  • Fingerprint expert

  • Medical examiner

  • lead detective

  • victims sister

  • Statements by defendant

Physical evidence:

  • Gun purchase recipients (march 26)

  • Search history:

    • “How to kill someone with no trace”

    • “How to commit the perfect murder” documentary

  • Test messages of him caught

    • Searches a lot about a husband cheating


Questions: (don’t ask questions you don’t know the answer to)

  • What finger = the fingerprint on the gun?

  • Where did he keep his gun?

  • Did she know where it was?

-Is a well-thought-out murder that was staged as a suicide

-doing a diet for the sister in law

-had two bullets in the chamber

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