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Is Meat Unhealthy?


w/ Jacob, Britney, and Mary

Meat has vitamin C, which is beneficial, but people who eat less meat are more likely to have a healthier life. They are less likely to eat vegetables and not drink or smoke, but its not a guaranteed fact. It can also depend on how its cooked and the animal it is from. Its not unhealthy, but your life style choices do matter and effect your life.



5 Components of MyPlate

1. USDA guide created to promote balanced meals 2. Use oils to ensure you are getting in unsaturated fats and 3. Vitamin E Limit added sugars 4. Cut back on saturated fats (found in cakes, cookies, donuts, cheeses, sausages, bacon, ribs, whole milk) 5. Limit sodium to 2300 mg per day for those older than 14



>39million children under the age of 5 were considered overweight or obese in 2020

>340million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016

> 1.9billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight in 2016


Factors Contributing to Childhood Obesity:



-physiological influences

-sedentary lifestyle

-lack of sleep

Invention Settings

-School Based

* takes place in schools

*changed nutritional quantity and quality of food

-Home Based

* takes place in the child's home

* after the food purchased for home use

-Primary Care Based

* takes place in primary care practitioner clinic

*included advice to parents/caregivers

-Child Center Based

*non parental care setting

*outside of the home

-Community Based

* by way of legislation

*includes restaurants, farmers markets, and recreational facilities

-Consumer Health Based

*consist of technologies that deliver information indirectly such as web or phone based programs

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