Marley, Elise, Ryann, and Kylie
physical activity is for the prevention important of gaining weight
Physical and Mental Benefits:
-decreased risks of falls
-bone health improved
-increased feelings of well being
-better sleep
-better brain function
-better self esteem / confidence
-children and adolescents and should have at least an hour of activity per day
-incorporate activity that involves musculoskeletal and cardiovascular
-energy imbalances
-increases risks of becoming overweight or obese
-increase risk factors for cardiovascuaalar diseases or other diseases
State/Local Programs:
Alabama State Programs and Southwest Alabama Program
-ensures that all childreen have the same opportunities for a healthy future
Social Media:
-screen time prevents physical time
-increased incidence of snacking
-more exposure to food advertisements
-getting less sleep
Availability of Safe Places to Play/Exercise:
-21 state parks
-kids camps
-Planet Fitness
PE Recommendations:
-increase amount of mandatory of PE
-promote physical activity during break and lunch
-provide playgrounds